Wednesday, 13 March 2019



  • K: The requirements for each of the briefs set by OCR.
  • U: How to approach the chosen brief, including writing the statement of intent.
  • BAT: Choose a brief and start planning what to write in the statement of intent.
  • CO: Use media terminology (all areas of the theoretical framework) in your written and verbal communication.
I want to choose the documentary brief because I want to exceed in camera work and editing. Also i think it'd be fun for me to get some experience in what i want to do when i grow up. I know someone who does as a job and has the necessary equipment for it like: a camera, a drone and a laptop/ipad to edit on. i already know roughly how to edit (just the basics though.) All i need to know is how to fly a drone and the focus levels of a camera. +


these 2 time stamps are showing an interview a scene from the actual player playing football.

The main character in my documentary would be the character that is the new upcoming footballer and to get shots of him playing football and having an interview with the football player.

from my findings on my survey most people would like to see a foot ball documentary. Also 66.67% of people that took my survey are 14 years of age and it was 50/50 on boys and girls. As well as this most people would like to see a medium shots in my interview with Harvey Bateman.

MY audience has a target age of 14 and a gender of both male and female. Also people that took my survey wouldnt mind a football documentary.

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